
Our primary mission is to prioritize the well-being of children and communities.

Scholarship Committee:

The foundation Scholarship Committee comprises of a group of esteemed experts from various communities who offer a wide range of experiences and perspectives. The committee plays an important role in screening and awarding scholarships to deserving candidates while assisting in evaluating and assessing the progress of award recipients and past alumni.

Dr. Frank Ojiako (Chairman)

Frank Onyemaobi Ojiako, Associate Professor, Economic Entomology, is the Director, Institute of Erosion Studies, Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO). He has been the Deputy Director of Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension, FUTO and FUTO Farms Limited. As an academic, Ojiako has had varied interests in scientific studies with over 70 scientific publications in referred Journals, both national and international.

He has very keen interest in community development, especially in voluntary works and academic scholarship administration, rural peoples’ welfare and road safety. He put in over 30 years of voluntary service in the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) where he became the Coordinator of all Special Marshals in Zone RS 8 comprising Kwara, kogi And Ekiti States for 15 years without remuneration but constructed the first Accident Clinic in Nigeria, located in Kwara State. He was also a member of the highest administrative decision making body of FRSC, the National Executive Committee, for 8 years.

In community development, he was the Chairman of Abba Autonomous Communities Development Union’s Scholarship Scheme. This scheme which was inaugurated in year 2019, has overseen the granting of over 50 undergraduate scholarships in Abba Clan, comprising 4 Autonomous Communities in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria. In his home Town, Ogwuaga Abba, he is the President General and has organized well to do men who jointly and individually awarded over 20 undergraduate scholarships to date.

He is currently the Chairman of the Akanchawa Educational Fund (Sebastian Onwuzurike Foundation),
Abba Clan, Nwangele L.G.A., Imo State, Nigeria.

The Chairman had his secondary education at the Holy Ghost College, Owerri and Community High School Abba, Imo State where he had Grade One Distinction in his West African School Certificate. He proceeded to University of Nigeria, Nsukka for his Bachelor’s Degree In Agronomy and later had his M. Sc. And Ph,D at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State majoring in Economic Entomology. He has undergone several certificate courses and Workshops, in Road Safety, Integrated Watershed Management, Environmental Safety Executive Training, Social Standards, Procurement Management, Leadership Program for Agricultural Research and Development (LEPARD) and over 50 national, regional and international Conferences, etc., in and outside Nigeria.

He is married with children and has had four chieftaincy titles bestowed on him by his people and other communities.

Jude Owuamanam (Secretary)

Jude Owuamanam, an accomplished journalist with more than 25 years experience, is a graduate of the University of Jos and the Nigerian Institute of Journalism. 

He holds a Bachelor’s in History and Masters Degrees in International Relations and Strategic Studies. He started his literary career with Vista Books, where he was on the editorial staff. He has worked with The Post Express, The Punch, Daily Trust, Daily Sun and Newsecho, where he was the Acting Editor-in-Chief. He had acted as Fixer to most international news media. He publishes Dailygongonline.

Bar. Leo Onwuzurike (Sebastian Onwuzurike Foundation Representative) ​

Chief Barr Sir Leonard Onwuzurike (Eziudo N’Abba), Abuja Based Legal Practitioner, an Author and Publisher.
An alma mater of University of Jos. Chief Onwuzurike studied Theater and Mass Communication Arts, BA (Hon.), Law, ( LL.B), BL and LL.M. Married with kids and a practicing Catholic and a Knight of St. John International.

Other Committee Members